Oct 6, 2018 | Dining In, Dining Out, Food, Food Allergies, Travel and Eating
Road trip | Canada | Travel | Food Do you like road trips to far away places? Do pictures of crystal clear mountain lakes and snow-covered peaks make you wish you could see these places for yourself? In August 2017, my husband and I went to Iceland and drove along the southern Read more…
Dec 15, 2017 | Beverage, Celiac Disease, Dining Out, Food, Food Allergies, Food Blogger Conference, Food Blogging, How To, Special Occasions, Travel and Eating
You, with your hand raised. Yes, you, the one who carries an EpiPen, inhaler, and has a butt load of food allergies, intolerances, Oral Allergy Syndrome, Outdoor Allergies, and an Autoimmune Disease. Uh huh. I see you. I believe this is your question after I tell you that I had a wonderful Read more…
Feb 21, 2017 | Batch cooking, Celiac Disease, Dining Out, Food Allergies, Food Intolerances, Food Sensitivity, Real Food
How many times have you had one of these “tummy days”, when you’re even too tired or embarrassed to admit that you’ve been struggling with diarrhea, cramping, flatulence, and digestive problems? Anyone who has mild to severe intolerances, a gastro-intestinal disorder (i.e.Crohn’s, IBD), or an Autoimmune Disease that creates a whole host Read more…