Diagnosed with an Autoimmune Disease or severe Food Allergies?
5 Actions to Take After You Leave Your Doctor’s Office
Feeding yourself can feel like a real pain in the rear end
Diagnosed with an Autoimmune Disease or severe Food Allergies?
5 Actions to Take After You Leave Your Doctor’s Office

You never know what’s going to make you sick.
If you get sick, you don’t know how long it’s going to take you out of commission from your real life. (Working, raising kids, weekend plans with friends and family.)
I get it. I’ve been exactly where you are.
Confession time: I have two autoimmune diseases, and over 300 food allergies and intolerances.
The question I get most: “What do you eat?”
Short answer: BACON!
Longer answer…read on…

Hi! I’m Imei Hsu, your food concierge.
I’m on a mission to make food fun again.

Before I got diagnosed with my autoimmune disease I was sick!
Like you, I went to doctor after doctor. Checking into hospital after hospital. No one could tell me what was wrong. Some said it was just in my head.
I had vicious mood swings, wild fluctuations in weight, and had pneumonia and bronchitis so many times I lost count.
All because of a weakened immune system from my diseases.
When I found out my diagnosis, I knew my lifestyle had to radically change.
During my journey I…

What I know is that you can heal yourself and food is the tool to support you to do just that.
Since my diagnosis, I’ve become an Ironman and Ultramarathon finisher. I continue to travel the world with my own food in tow so I enjoy my trips without worrying about getting sick.
So what can YOU eat?
Real food.
Food that you lovingly prepare in your home (even if cooking is not your thing). Food that’s full of flavor, zest, and pizzaz.
This food will help heal your body from your autoimmune disease. And you won’t be eating fake food that tastes like cardboard.
And with support and guidance, you and I can make food fun again. You can start living your life again and start to plan your next adventure.
Are you ready to heal yourself with food?
It’s possible. Let me show you how.