Sep 2, 2019 | Autoimmune Disease, Food, Food Allergies, Food Intolerances, Human Behavior
You may have noticed that I took the summer off from blogging. Instead of drumming up reviews of cooking appliances, speculating on the new food trends of the Fall and Winter season, and introducing some new foodie finds for all of the medically-necessary diets, I did something else. I listened. That’s all. Read more…
May 8, 2018 | dairy intolerance, Food, Food Intolerances
While goat’s milk butter does not have the natural sweetness of butter from cows, I welcome it as a means of keeping my eating social and inclusive. Among my friends who can eat everything, they can readily eat my “free from” foods and substitution foods, and most won’t notice the goat milk substitution unless it is an obvious component of a stand-alone food, such as a goat yoghurt and dill sauce.
Jan 28, 2018 | Autoimmune Disease, Celiac Disease, Food Blogging, Food Intolerances
Just as the POTUS is about to deliver his State of the Union address, this is a good time to talk about how things are going in the gluten-free world. As I enter my fourth official year of going gluten-free in order to heal my guts from the damage of Celiac Disease Read more…