Nov 11, 2016 | Autoimmune Disease, Celiac Disease, Food Sensitivity, NSAIDs
WHY NO NSAIDs FOR YOU If you have an autoimmune disease and/or gastrointestinal issues, strongly consider not taking NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for pain relief or as an anti-inflammatory medicine, and discuss with your doctor other options for pain or inflammation treatment. Yes, that’s you, even the one who is saying, “But Read more…
Oct 26, 2016 | Autoimmune Disease, Celiac Disease, Food Allergies, Food Blogging, Food Sensitivity, Halloween, Sugar, Teal Pumpkin Project
Allergen Halloween FARE Sugar As we draw near to Halloween and the ritual of Trick-or-Treating across America, I thought it was time for me to speak personally about two related subjects: a safe, allergen-free Halloween celebration, and the problem with our sweet tooth. OK, please don’t hate me, and I am sharing Read more…
May 2, 2016 | Autoimmune Disease, Celiac Disease, Dining Out, Food, Food Allergies, Food Intolerances, Food Sensitivity
A Menu Redacted When I first started talking to others about food allergies and Celiac Disease, I began by trying to describe what food allergies are. As in, “Here are the medical definitions, and here’s what to look out for, and by the way, here’s how to keep me and others around Read more…