A brand New Year has arrived.
And it is totally OK to stare at that date on the calendar — January 1 – and not feel particularly moved by it.
Maybe you just finished another “dumpster fire” year, filled with cancelled plans, more social distancing than you would have liked, and a struggle just to stay away from one of two pandemic variants. Delta and Omicron have given us more familiarity with the Greek Alphabet than some of us have cared to know.
New Year, same you? Or is there a shift in the way you are considering your current thinking around your health and your health maintenance behaviors?
With COVID-19 introducing treatment protocols that have made MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) and N-AC (N-acetyl cisteine) household words, perhaps you are considering a deeper dive into finding out if there is more you can do to help support your health initiatives in this year.
Whether you have questions about Histamine Intolerance, MCAS (when allergic reactions seem to be on repeat), or the benefits of a carefully executed time on the Autoimmune Protocol, there is a FREE online event that I have been promoting on Instagram and Facebook for you to consider.
2022 AIP Summit
Do you want to take charge of your autoimmune health in 2022? It’s the third annual AIP Summit and it is devoted entirely to the needs and concerns of people like you. It is presented by AIP Certified Coaches, and you can attend for FREE from the comfort of your own home! Sign up today to reserve your seat and get reminders to tune in for each day’s talks, beginning on Monday, January 3 and continuing through the first full week of the year.
Here’s my affiliate link and here it is for you to copy and paste if you prefer: https://www.aipsummit.com/a/2147500405/cqQz8qHs
Whether you are newly diagnosed with an autoimmune condition or a veteran autoimmune warrior, or perhaps just seeking an answer to symptoms that you suspect are autoimmune in nature, this week-long event will provide something for you. Each of the seven days of the summit will include at least one cooking demonstration, but since food is just one part of AIP, the summit reflects that by covering a wide range of topics. You’ll be able to watch sessions on the science behind the protocol, practice stress management and fine tune your mindset, explore emotional issues, learn from coaches who help people troubleshoot their progress, get information on how AIP works with complementary treatment modalities, and much, much more!
Truly, the 2022 AIP Summit offers something for everyone living with an autoimmune disease or caring for someone who has one, so I hope you’ll accept this invitation and join me for the 2022 AIP Summit this January. RSVP today here https://www.aipsummit.com/a/2147500405/cqQz8qHs
You can register directly on their website here: https://www.aipsummit.com/the-2022-aip-summit
For the third annual summit, I’ll be one of the presenters on Day 3. Our presentations are pre-recorded, yet there are roundtable sessions by top AND breakout Q and A sessions where you can interact with the speakers. For example, I’ll be part of a roundtable made up of BIPOC speakers on Day 2, and I’ll be in the Q and A speakers session on Day 4.
That’s a lot of community time for a FREE summit!
If you would prefer to have all the summit access sent to your email and ready for your viewing at any time (your pace, whenever you want to keep viewing it after the sessions have aired) you can purchase the entire summit for a nominal price. By using the affiliate link, you’ll be letting the AIP Summit organizers to credit me for helping with promotion.
Have questions about the AIP Summit? You might have noticed that I have turned off comments on this website. This was due to too many spam bots sneaking through our defenses. Instead, you can contact me with a public comment on my Facebook and Instagram pages of the same name as the website.
It’s a New Year, and as we have been learning together during the pandemic, anything can happen. The one thing that we have control of is to make decisions for ourselves on what we will try to improve regarding our health, stress levels, and lifestyle choices. The AIP Summit will be covering so many of those related topics, from the Basics of AIP to “pro” issues Beyond Elimination. There is something for everyone.
I hope to see you there!